Recharge your relationships - the lasting power of true friendship
Recharge your relationships - the lasting power of true friendship Happy New Year! There is nothing like a New Year to bring your life into perspective and celebrate and be grateful for what you have and where you are going! For some of us though that's where it begins and ends. I'm determined that this year will be different for many. My hope for you all is that this year and the years to come are filled with perspective, gratitude and celebration throughout the whole year. The new year holds great possibilities for each and every one of us. It's our responsibility to act and take hold of all that is gifted to us, to realise it's place in the world and give thanks and celebrate it. For me, 2020 signifies a year of reaching for the stars, more than ever before, stepping up and stepping out to enable others to do the same and I know that without the power of friendships and in particular the sisterhood that surrounds me, possibilities will stay exactly that-po...